Google Ads Services

Get targeted leads quickly with our 'Done-for-You Google Adwords management service.

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Fast and effective.

Google Adwords remains one of the most effective digital marketing channels for driving online sales.

Reasons to choose Google Ads

Fast results

An ideal brand awareness and lead-generation solution for businesses in the early stages of building an organic (SEO) presence and for targeting high-competition SEO search terms.


Target by location, category, keyword or previous website visitors who didn't convert.


Choose from display or search ads to suit your target audience.


Ad spend and campaign strategy can be changed with ease.


Campaign analytics allows real-time performance monitoring and optimisation.

Google Adwords management services

'Done-for-You' Google Ads Management

To be successful with Google Adwords you need to be on top of your game – it's the most competitive of all paid marketing channels. Our Adwords experts will consistently optimise and improve your campaigns to give you an edge over your competitors.

The service includes:

  • New AdWords campaign each month in line with your marketing objectives and business aims.
  • Weekly account optimisation.
  • Write and publish ads.
  • Implement tracking scripts on your website for conversion monitoring and/or remarketing campaigns.

No contract tie-in. Upgrade, downgrade, pause or cancel at any time.


Is ad spend included in the package price?

No. The fee that you pay us will be for our management services only. You will pay your ad spend directly to Google using your chosen payment method in your AdWords account (we can help you set this up).

How quickly will we see results?

Pretty darn quickly! You could start seeing new website visitors within minutes of your campaign going live. You can, therefore, realistically expect new customers within a few days (or even hours) of the campaign launch.

Will I be tied into a contract?

Some agencies ask for a minimum commitment of 3-6 months; others have a no-commitment guarantee. At Full Height Copy, we think it's counter-productive to tie a client in. Circumstances, requirements and budgets change. We provide services that flex and bend with the needs of our clients.

Will we have to do anything?

This is a 'hands-off' service that requires minimum input from you. We will ask you to review the reports we send you and we always welcome input if you have any suggestions or observations.

Do you use AI for your writing?

No. All our writing is composed by seasoned copywriters. We often use AI-powered tools to help us plan our work and improve our workflow, but the strategy and written outputs are always the work of a living, breathing professional.

Learn more about our approach to AI >>

Should I use PPC or SEO?

Both PPC and SEO are highly effective digital marketing techniques. The difference is that PPC yields 'immediate' results whereas it takes time (4-12+ months) to gain tangible results with SEO. The two methods work well together. We often recommend that businesses use PPC initially while they build their organic (SEO) presence and then tailor their PPC campaigns to target search terms that they don't yet rank for organically.

Can't find the answer to your question? Drop us a message. We'll be glad to help.

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Let's work together

We would love to hear about your project and discuss how we can help.