CASE STUDY: Video Script Writing for Celebrity Masterclass Series

Baroness Karren Brady is a sporting executive, politician, television personality, newspaper columnist, author and novelist. Karren's marketing team approached Full Height Copy to write a series of "How-To" video scripts for a project called Get What You Want.

Get What You Want is a series of podcasts and videos that aim to help women succeed in their careers and achieve equal pay. Karren needed a video script writer to turn her knowledge and ideas into workable video scripts.


How did we help?

FHC's founder, Sue, has a background in interior design, so she was the lead on this project.

1. Research and brief

First, we familiarised ourselves with the series and the subject matter in each video. We then called Karren's co-producer and discussed the brief in detail.

2. Interviews

The best way to capture a presenter's voice and understand their insights is to speak to them. We prepared a list of questions for Karren and scheduled a series of interviews.

Interviewing Karren gave us the detail that we needed to write each script and get a feel for her tone and delivery. It was also an opportunity to discuss content ideas and build on the original brief.

3. Writing

Armed with a recording of Karren's interviews, we drafted the scripts. We needed a little more material to flesh out the bones, so we researched each topic further and expanded on ideas.

Once we were happy with the 'rough out', we read the script aloud and made adjustments. This process is crucial for checking the flow, tone, emphasis and length of scripts. It's where you identify if points come across clearly and if the material is engaging. After several timed read throughs, the scripts were ready for a final edit before submission to the client.

It's important to walk away from the scripts for a few hours and return to them with fresh eyes. We made refinements to some and left others alone. After a final read through, they were good to go to the client for feedback.

We're delighted to report that revisions weren't necessary. Karren and her team were happy with the scripts and set to work filming.

Read sample: Learn To Champion Yourself

Sample video:

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